2 Colour or not 2 Colour?
2 Colour or not 2 Colour?
Maybe there is an alternative, if you know what you are trying to achieve!
This is a question more clients are asking, I think the answer is very personal to each client, there are lots of aspects to consider-
What is the skin tone, is it warm or cool? People with cool skin tones tend to fare better when growing out hair colour as silver, grey hair tends to suit cool complexions.For some warm skin toned people the affect of allowing the hair to go grey can be similar to wearing a colour next to the skin that doesn’t suit them.
Does colouring the hair make the client look younger, some people where just born to be blonde, sometimes hair colour that is to dark can be very unflattering, occasionally the look can be too young.
Hair colour can dry the hair and make it look frizzy, even if the colour suits the client it can result in the hair looking out of condition, its rarely the best option. Certain types of hair colour swell the hair shaft making it look thicker which can be a good thing, hair that is oily can be helped by the drying effect of colour.
Why not simply choose to enhance the natural white hair, if the silver hair suits, add gloss and a little ash tone.If the skin tone is warm use partial colour to add a warm tones and some texture, celebrities who seem to be hitting the right onto are Helen Mirren and Judy Dench, It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, maintenance and cost can be kept reasonable and so you retain all the advantages with a natural look.
If you would like to discuss any of these points, email to arrange a hairdressing consultation: info@hairmatters.co.uk